Writing sucks

Kind of depressed. I’ve been working on a novel but I don’t know who will read it. Which means I won’t make any money from it, if any at all. Artists aren’t supposed to write for money. But I don’t want to be poor forever. Unfortunately, I’m not a great writer. I’m not a literary fiction writer or a commercial fiction writer. I’m just a fiction writer. I have things to say but I haven’t found the people who want to hear what I’m saying.

First, my writing is about the Filipino American experience. My writing is ethnic as fuck, and my characters have political opinions. They often come from dysfunctional families.

Second, my fiction is erotic and romantic. But it won’t please romance readers who don’t want politics in their romance. It won’t please readers who don’t like reading explicit sex scenes.

Third, I write about trauma. Mental illness, PTSD, sexual assault, emotional abuse. My books will need a content warning at the front. Great. Will turn off some readers for sure.

Fourth, my characters are kinda snarky and funny, and I like them. But I’m not writing romantic comedies. I want to lean into the humor more though, because it’s fun. It’s hard to write about difficult topics, and humor is a way to give the novel and characters room to breathe and live.

So, it will be hard for me to find a publisher if I ever finish writing this book. I really wish I had a better life. I am trying to write characters who are better people than me. My heroine is flawed but she’s going to conquer her issues, and her love interest is the kind of romance hero I want to see in the world. He’s not perfect but he’s not the kind of romance hero who is a jerk at the start and has to be reformed and grovel in the end.

If I were writing a romance novel, the romance leads need to be in conflict with each other. But my problem with this (heteronormative) narrative is what woman in their right mind would want to be with someone who wasn’t on her side from the start? If romance is about wish fulfillment, why would a woman want their relationship to be so hard to navigate? Who wants to be with someone who has trouble communicating? Who wants to be with someone who isn’t self-aware?

I want to write about people who look like me, who’ve been where I’ve been, who are vanquishing their demons with the support of their love interest, who will succeed where I cannot. Who will be the heroes in their own stories. I suppose the main conflict would be winning the love and support of the hero. Because if you’re an especially flawed heroine, it will be hard to find someone who will be your one and only.


Rejection is one of my worst triggers. According to some therapists, this comes from being an extraordinarily sensitive person and growing up with parents, especially a mom, who was constantly critical and had high expectations of who I should be.

Last March, I joined an LGBTQ+ ally guild in WoW that purported to be inclusive and safe. I joined the guild because I didn’t want to be around people who made dumb sexual jokes bordering on harassment, were crass at best and unethical at worst. Age-appropriate non-harassing sexual jokes are fine, but too much of it can be grating to the ears. I also thought I would be joining a guild that wasn’t elitist and was welcoming.

There was a little drama at first when the guild leader kicked everyone out of Discord due to officer in-fighting, and the guild was reformed with new leadership and a new name. Things were fine at the start. The new leadership liked me because I was a good tank, in their words a “great tank,” and they would invite me to tank their keys, in the +18-21 range. It felt nice to be a part of a group and be invited to tank high keys with similarly skilled players.

On m+ night, scheduled once a week, I would always be in their group tanking high keys. I was having fun. I got my AOTC achievement for tanking heroic raid, and I thought I had found my home in WoW, a place where I felt safe and belonged, and people liked me and had the same interest in running high keys. I felt I didn’t have to do it alone anymore. I had a home.

But when Season 2 started, the guild leaders hardly invited me to their group. They would only invite certain people whom they favored. They did not generally announce in guild chat or invite others unless they needed a spot filled. Usually, it was not for a tank spot.

Eventually, I came to realize that they had a clique. I had once been a part of it, but they didn’t want me anymore. So, instead of running keys with reliable players, I had to join random groups and hope I got lucky to join up with skilled players. On m+ night, instead of running keys with my former group, I was assigned to tank lower keys. I didn’t mind helping out the guildies. But I was resentful, angry, and hurt that I was being excluded from the group. I had joined the guild and declined an offer to tank for my former longtime raiding guild because I thought I had a good thing. I had found something that was good for me. I was doing something good for me. I was practicing self-care.

But more and more, I felt excluded. And when I found out that other guildies felt the same way and that some had left because they didn’t feel welcomed, I started to see that the guild wasn’t what it advertised to be. When you start a guild that claims to be an inclusive, safe space, you have to remember what it means to be inclusive and an ally.

You have to recognize that marginalized people will have specific needs and look for inclusive spaces because their needs were not met. Marginalized people might be more sensitive because they might have been bullied, harassed, rejected, and excluded in the past. They might have been victims of hate crimes. They might have been called slurs.

So, when you say “inclusive” and “diverse” and “safe,” marginalized people might take that to mean that they will be accepted and welcomed for who they are. Generally, I believe that marginalized people do not want to feel disliked. They do not want to be looked down on or treated like they’re less than. Just like most people.

In the end, I felt that the leadership was unkind to me and other guildies who had expected the guild to be more inclusive. I felt hurt and rejected, miserable and depressed, and I was too proud to beg the leadership to invite me to their group. I’m not the kind of person who likes to express my feelings because I’m afraid of being vulnerable and getting even more hurt.

I did talk to one of the women who used to invite me to their keys, and she said I was misperceiving things and denied that she was being cliquish. I left the guild because I did not see a way to resolve things. If she didn’t want me to join her group, then I wasn’t about to impose myself on people who didn’t want me around. I believed the best course for me was to find a place where I would be accepted and included and have similarly skilled players to run keys with me. About a week later, I found out that the other guildies who had stayed thought that I was the problem, which to me is ridiculous and ironic.

Anyway, so lesson learned… again. WoW is a game, and it’s highly competitive. Players might have good intentions and say all the right, tactful things, but they’re more than likely out for themselves. Don’t have any expectations, don’t get too personal, and you won’t get hurt. It is seldom you make a real friend in WoW who gets you, doesn’t judge you, sees the best and worst in you, likes you anyway, and accepts you for who you are.

Maybe, I’m not a likable person. I’m highly opinionated, I have certain values, I’m a person of color, and I’m a feminist. But I can’t say that in WoW, I can’t be myself in WoW, or I’ll probably be hated on. So, I haven’t been playing WoW all that much lately. It’s boring, and I like to tank, and now I don’t have a tank spot in a raiding guild anywhere.

I’ve been playing Diablo 4 a lot more, because I can play it solo and it’s a fun way to pass the time. I also listen to audiobooks while I’m playing. Which is good for the writer in me. Reading helps to improve your vocabulary and critical thinking, and it’s fun. I love it.

Taking time off from WoW means that I have more time for writing. I’ve begun working on the writing project I started 2 years ago, but sidelined when I started playing WoW again. Hopefully, this go around, I’ll finish it. I’ve got lots of material I can work with already. I just have to keep moving forward. I can’t give up.

Trigger Warning: the f vs r word.

A couple nights ago, I was in Discord (voice chat) with a friend while playing Diablo 4 campaign mode. I said something that she misinterpreted as cussing and expressed astonishment at hearing me say the F word. I hadn’t, actually, but it’s not as if I never cuss. It depends on the situation. And also where my parents are in the vicinity of the computer room whileI’m gaming and using voice chat. I’m a pretty quiet person, and I don’t say everything that’s on my mind. When I do have something to say, I will say it. And I usually only cuss when I’m really pissed. Plus, cussing can be an art form. I remember I once presented a story in grad school for MFA workshop, and I received positive feedback on a character’s cussing, which has a nice rhythm if you read it aloud. One way to tell you’re writing well is when you read aloud the text.

Anyway. So, yup, I do in fact cuss on occasion, depending on the company and situation. But one thing you’ll never hear me say aloud when I’m gaming is the R word. Gamers use the R word frequently out of context and without sensitivity to other gamers, regardless of gender, background, and life experience. You will never hear me say that I was “raped,” “molested,” “ass raped,” or any other connotation of sexual assault, when my in-game character is killed by another player, ambushed by mobs, or owned by a boss. Whenever I hear the R word used in such trivial content, I can’t stop thinking about it for days or weeks.

One time in Shadowlands Season 4 in WoW, I was tanking Upper Kara with a resto shaman healer on Area 52, and my vengeance demon hunter was having a hard time staying up against a boss, probably because we didn’t have enough interrupts and were carrying some casters. (I was usually carrying casters when I played with those fckers.) The healer kept saying I was getting raped by the boss. It wasn’t the first time he described my tank as being raped when I was taking a lot of damage. But that time, I started to get super pissed. I couldn’t take it anymore… him saying I was getting raped by a boss in a video game. I wanted to scream at him to shut the fuck up, but I couldn’t explain why in front of other players. Why would the constant repetition of him saying I was being raped make me so angry and want to smash his face in.

Instead, I sent that resto shaman a private message in Discord requesting he never use that word around me again to describe my tanking. I told him I have PTSD and that word upsets me, and the reason I hadn’t told him before was because I didn’t want to have to explain to him something that is so personal I can barely say the word myself out loud. I felt angry and resentful that I even had to explain this. I was probably crying when I wrote that message. Why can’t people use common sense? Why can’t people think about what they say and how it can affects other people? Why can’t people be more self-aware?

I don’t think I’m being oversensitive about this. In the real world, 1 in 6 American women has been a victim of an attempted or completed rape (https://www.rainn.org/statistics/victims-sexual-violence). Gaming culture is toxic AF, and the sad thing is people, even the nicest people, don’t even know it when they’re being toxic.

The worst thing

When he ends it

Is wondering why

You weren’t good enough

Why he refused

To be all in

To move heaven and earth

To take the risk

You’re left wondering why

He didn’t believe

You were worth fighting for

But most of all you wonder

What it is about you

That yearns for unattainable things

And yet…

You’re not the only one

Who’s lost someone

And something possibly quite special

How sad for him too

That he’ll never experience

All the completely wonderful things

I have to offer

That maybe we could have been

Beautiful together

But it’s gonna be okay

I hope.

This isn’t my first heartbreak

It’s just… my life will feel a little less

Of what it was before

Idk how I will face tomorrow

I just really wanna know

Why can’t I have nice things

I will miss him.

Despite this, I will always

Want the best for him

All the hugs and kisses

And all the happiness in the world too

Non-Covid blues, maybe

On Monday, December 5th, my dad came home from cataract surgery with a fever. He also had a cough, which my mom soon caught. His COVID test that night was negative. By Wednesday, I had a sore throat. Thursday, a cough. Friday, a fever of 103. My COVID test was negative. I had a telehealth appointment with my primary care doctor the same day over Zoom. Doc prescribed antibiotics and something for the cough and told me to retake the COVID test in 2 days.

When I retook the test on Sunday, I was positive for COVID. Since I hardly go out, I knew the only way I’d ever get COVID is if my parents brought it home. The fever was gone on the third day, but I had a mild cough and sore throat, felt very tired, and felt like my brain was in a fog for several days after and persisting for about a month. My symptoms were mild, but I still felt pretty awful. It’s hard to describe. I had a lot of anxiety during that time.

I also developed a skin rash which I thought might be due to COVID, but my doctor couldn’t tell me for sure what was causing it. It looked like little red bumps spreading on my stomach and abdomen. My doctor thought it was allergies. I wondered if maybe my mood stabilizer, Lamictal, an anti-seizure med that is also used to treat bipolar disorder, was causing it. I called my psychiatrist, left a voice message, and received a call back from his office recommending I stop the Lamictal and schedule an appointment sooner than my routine follow-up.

This is why I’m currently not on any psych meds except Ativan for anxiety. I’ve been having trouble sleeping for weeks. When I stopped the Lamictal, my mood was initially pretty good. I was feeling more social and talkative. But not the talkative that we associate with bipolar disorder. I didn’t have rapid pressured speech. I think it was the COVID brain fog, where I was feeling less inhibited and loopy, like I drunk and having memory lapses. It was weird.

About five or six days ago though, I had some racing thoughts which didn’t last long but enough to concern me. Since then, I’ve been moody. No high highs, mostly lows. Return to baseline then back to low. Feeling disinterested in things. Even WoW is boring. But idk if that’s a mood thing. Raid tanking got boring very fast, and tanking m+ is still my favorite thing, but sometimes it feels like what does it matter. Like nothing matters. I’m falling asleep late and waking up too early. I can’t stop thinking. But my thoughts aren’t racing atm.

When I saw my psychiatrist on Zoom last month, I was feeling okay. A little weird from COVID, but no symptoms to report except the anxiety. So, he decided not to start me on anything yet and see what happens. Well, what’s happening is I can’t sleep, and I can’t stop thinking, and I’m feeling down most of the time. My next appointment is end of March, and I realize this is a dismal entry, not a lot of energy in the writing, so I’m thinking of trying to get an appointment sooner. Thing is, I can’t seem to make that call because I don’t think my symptoms are bad enough and I can probably wait until then.

Still, I’m not sure. I want to sleep better, and I know sleeping meds are not gonna help much. I guess if I want to stop speculating, I gotta call my psychiatrist. LOL. Well, I’m feeling tired and sleepy again. Maybe this blog entry is boring enough.

I do have something or someone interesting in my life. Well, I think he’s interesting. It’s not exactly new. We’ve been talking for years, but recently reconnected. We’re keeping it chill, I guess, because long distance, the Internet, and reasons. We say we’ll just take it day by day, be friends, and have fun and not make it more or too much. Right. It’s not complicated at all. It’s not like he’s in my thoughts everyday /rollseyesatself

I have a lot of thoughts, and I’m probably rambling. I’m gonna try to go back to sleep.

carefulness: an affirmation

One thing I told myself before I came back to WoW was to expect the worst from people. Don’t expect players to be nice to you in game or treat you like a human being. In WoW and real life, be careful who you talk to and who you choose to trust. Learn to grow a thick skin.

In love, guard your heart. Don’t give it away to someone who won’t put you first. Who doesn’t see you. Who doesn’t treat you as though you’re the most special person in the world. Every time you open yourself up, you put yourself in danger.

Don’t get too close, and don’t let the haters and players get to you. Don’t play their game either. Be better than them. If they insult you, don’t engage. Walk away. If they hurt your feelings, so what. It’s not the end of the world.

Put your armor back on, and keep your distance. Be careful with your heart.

It’s lonely, but you’ll be okay. It’s not your fault you were born/grew up this way. Sensitive and afraid.

this is me trying

I went to my parents’ 50th Golden Wedding Anniversary Party. I didn’t wear the dress my mom had originally gotten for me because my mom finally agreed to let me wear something I was more comfortable in. And even though I didn’t want to write a speech, I couldn’t get it out of my mind. So, before the party, while my mom, my brother’s wife, and I were getting our hair and makeup done, I wrote a speech on my iPhone notes app. Here is the text of the speech:

When my parents asked me to write a speech, I didn’t think I could do it. I didn’t know what to say and how to say it, and my stress and anxiety went through the roof.

At first, my dad wanted me to write a poem. But let me tell you, It’s not easy to draft a poem out of thin air. I have a bachelor’s degree in English and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing, and I still think writing is a mighty task.

My mom’s idea was for me to write a speech like the one I gave at their wedding anniversary on November 11, 2011. She said that I was the writer in the family and everyone enjoyed my speech because it made them laugh.

No pressure, right?

I grew up thinking that my parents have high expectations. For one thing, when I told that them I wanted to be a writer, they told me that I should be more than just a writer. I should write bestselling books and be a millionaire.

Looking back, though, I gotta say my parents had some good advice. I would love to be a millionaire.

But the main reason I felt ambivalent about writing this speech is because my parents argue a lot. Ever since I can remember, it feels like they’ve been having the same argument.

Mom wants things done her way. And if we don’t make her happy, she gives us the most awful guilt trips. When I told Mom that I didn’t know if I could write a speech, she said, “You don’t care about me.”

She also frequently complains about how Pop’s always buying things he doesn’t need just because it’s on sale. How he never helps her in the garden. How he leaves things all around the house and doesn’t pick up after himself. Sometimes, she would say, “I’m going to divorce your father.”

I honestly didn’t know how their marriage lasted this long. But then I looked at the big picture and I had to ask myself: Are my parents’ arguments so bad that their marriage is a disaster? Could they be happy even if they argue a lot? Are their expectations really too high? Or do they want the best for us?

Maybe mom wanted things her way because she was looking out for us and wanted the best for us. Maybe the reason she wants me to make lots of money as a writer is so she won’t have to worry about my health and future and so that I’ll be financially secure.

Maybe their marriage works and has lasted for fifty years and counting, because even thought they argue a lot, they have so much more in common. Even though my mom gets mad at my dad, she’s the first person to stick up for him.

For example, I hate talking politics with my dad. We always end up arguing. I tell him I don’t want to talk about it but he keeps going on and on and on and I can’t help it. I get so angry and yell at him. And that’s when Mom says, “Don’t talk to your father like that. Be respectful.”

Similarly, my dad is mom’s #1 cheerleader. Everything she does is magic, and everything she believes in is the truth. He’s supportive of her endeavors, he would drive her to healing touch classes, and he tells everyone who will listen how great she is.

When Mom and I would argue, he’d tell me to be nice to your mother because you only have one. Also she gave birth to you. And from all the stories I’ve heard, it wasn’t easy. In fact, Mom screamed and kicked the nurse. My dad tells me all the time that my mom’s a trier. She has a type A personality, she’s a go-getter and doesn’t give up easily.

She wanted this day to be memorable for everyone here. She did all the planning and the decorations. She worked very hard to make this day special.

Maybe the reason their marriage has lasted this long is because they have more likes than dislikes and share the same beliefs and values. Respect your parents, work hard, be a good citizen, and most importantly, your mother is always right.

After all, Mom said I’m the writer in the family, and I wrote this speech even though I didn’t think I could. But I’m glad that on this day I could hopefully make one of Mom’s dreams come true.

Mom and Pop, Congratulations on your 50th Golden Wedding Anniversary.

The sad thing for me was I looked back at the pictures from the party and didn’t recognize myself. Anyway, I’m glad I went and stayed for a little while, wrote and gave the speech. It made my mom happy, and I probably would’ve regretted it if I didn’t. I’m actually not scared of getting in front of the mic and giving speeches or reading poetry as long as I have something to say. I had to believe in what I wrote in order to get out there and do it.

Someone said they were so happy I gave a speech because I’m normally so shy. LOL. I’m disabled and depressed, and I have anxiety. I don’t know what to say to people, and most of the time, I’m just too tired to think. It was nice to see some of my relatives at the party though. There were cupcakes and a bar. I had a Stella Artois, which I’d always wanted to try. I don’t usually drink beer, because it reminds me of college keg parties. But the Stella was very good.

It was also nice to hang out with my brother and his wife, who were my favorite people at the party. My brother’s wife recently got a new car, a Toyota Versa, and I loved it. It has all the neatest gadgets and a moonroof. Someday, I’ll get a new car too.


My life and my writing as usual are going nowhere. Everyday it’s the same. I don’t feel like I’m making progress. I guess that’s why I’m disabled. Most of the time, I feel like I have nothing to look forward to. Sure, the new season of Grey’s Anatomy starts Oct 5. The new WoW expansion Dragonflight is releasing before the end of the year. My parents’ 50th Golden Wedding Anniversary is in November.

But in between, the day to day and week to week, I have no plans outside of my interior life. But I am getting a new gaming PC, which is always kinda fun. Mine finally broke down on me, kept crashing even when I reinstalled Windows. It was too much of a headache, so I bought a new one, which will arrive tomorrow, Weds. Yay. There isn’t much to do in my video games, atm, though. But this computer will have twice as much storage space than my old one, so I can install and play more games than I normally do. LOL.

I really should be writing. Everyday I get on my computer to play WoW, I think, “I really should be writing.” But I don’t. Because I’m stuck again. I just can’t move forward, which like I said at the start, is the story of my life. Maybe I’m writing the wrong story. I don’t know. Maybe I should stop trying.

My mom still wants me to write a speech for their golden wedding anniversary party, and I feel completely unmotivated and uninspired. I don’t have anything I want to say. Nothing. It makes me so angry that I’m being forced to do this, otherwise my mom is going to feel all sad. She expects me to have great words, but I have nothing. I can’t even fake it.

I’m so unhappy & angry all the time. About the writing. My parents. My mom. My life going nowhere. Not having my own car. My health issues. People. I’m probably depressed. But whatever. This is why i’m not going to be a best-selling writer. Because this is what I write, and it’s not good.

I don’t know what’s the point if this is all I have. Surviving is not good enough. Everyday is just okay, and I don’t get how my parents think I’m really actually okay with this. I don’t complain because there’s no point, nothing change, and I can’t have the things I want. My parents, my mom, complain all the time, and it’s so annoying.

I probably wouldn’t be as angry and irritated with them if I didn’t live at home. This place is toxic & has been for a very long time. It’s honestly kinda traumatic for me & this is why I didn’t want to move back home back then. I try to tell my friends why shit is hard at home, but no one really gets it. It’s better to talk to a therapist about this stuff. Anyway, I’m sure ‘ll be in a better mood when I get my computer.

this is why i’m not a princess

My mother is frustrating and stressing me out. My parents are celebrating their 50th Golden Wedding Anniversary in November. They are expecting around 150 guests and have reserved a space at the Hilton, where they will be hosting the party. It will costs probably over 10K. The dress my mom bought for me to wear at this party itself costs $1k.

The problem is I hate the dress. It’s a Filipiniana-themed party, which means the guests will be wearing tradition Filipiniana-style clothes. See examples here: https://www.kulturafilipino.com/collections/filipiniana

The dress my mom bought is too tight, especially around the bosom and hips. It’s like a ballgown, with a bell skirt and a high waist, which is incredibly uncomfortable. I told my mom I wanted something easier to wear. Like a woman’s barong, which has a straight cut, and if I have to wear a skirt, I’d like it to be a straight too, with a lower waistline. But my mom wants things her way, and this is her party, and she won’t be happy if I don’t wear the stupid dress.

So, the dress is going to be adjusted, but my mom also wants me to lose weight so I will look better in the dress and overall just better. Or prettier. Or like a princess or something.

Well, I get it. I should lose weight because I’m not a svelte size 2 or 6 or 8 anymore. I’m going to be fifty in a couple years, so of course, I should look like my twenty-five year-old figure. I also should care very much what people think about my appearance.

My goal is to be healthy. Lower my cholesterol and not get diabetes and other diseases caused by weight gain and unhealthy eating habits. And I’ve been really good about what I eat. I don’t eat white rice or white bread anymore. I actually don’t eat any rice. I tried quinoa but I didn’t like it. So, mostly, I eat meat and vegetables, salads, cheese, fruits, etc. I’m fine with my diet. I’m also actually fine with my weight. Whether I lose weight or not, I think I’m going to be fine.

I’m not bothered by my weight as much as the stress I get because every day my mom has some new suggestion on what I should eat and tips on how I can lose weight. This morning, she asked me if I was frustrated with my weight. I told her that she’s the one who’s frustrating me. Sigh. I couldn’t help it, because I am so stressed I feel like crying all the time. Anyway, my mom got mad and left.

I think the best solution would be to get another dress that I wouldn’t mind wearing for fuck’s sake.

My parents also want me to write and give a speech at their party. LMAO. I’m supposed to say nice things about my parents, their marriage, the love and support they’ve given me, how I admire them, how they raised me to be the person that I am, all their words of wisdom and things they taught me, etc. I don’t know what to say except the best things they’ve done for me is let me stay at their place so I won’t be homeless since I’m on disability. Also, they buy food. My dad picks up my meds and takes me to my appointments, because I don’t have a car anymore since the bank took it when I applied for bankruptcy like years and years ago and apparently my dad doesn’t trust me or want me to drive his car anymore. I used to drive it when my dad still had the Civic, but now, my parents only have two cars.

Whatever. I’m so tired.

I started playing WoW again because I got bored with my other games where I can’t really socialize with other players. Also, I needed a break from the writing because I kept getting stuck and that was frustrating too. And I needed an escape from real life.

I’m taking the writing slower now. I have a certain goal and tone in mind for the narrative, and I want it to be a serious but romantic and sexy novel that’s also funny at times.

I’m a selfish person, and I know it. I should be nicer to my parents, but sometimes, it’s just too hard. It would be easier to be nice to them if I didn’t live with them. But I don’t have much of a choice.

AOC on SCOTUS Ruling: Roe v. Wade overturned
