May the New Year 2022 give us a break and be my breakout year.

I figured it’s time for an update.

How’s the writing coming along? You ask.

Not too bad, thanks. I’m 23,000 words into this current draft. I’m aiming for 70,000-80,000, standard novel length. There’s still a lot of story tell, so the novel might end up closer to 90,000 words. Although, I’d rather finish it sooner than later. It’s exhausting. For instance, with Chapter 9, I was up until 4 AM writing a scene because I needed to know how it would end. I went to sleep. When I woke up, three or four hours later LOL, I read what I had written and knew I’d need to revise or trash almost everything. But having written the scene, I knew now how I wanted it to end. The next two days, I polished it up, and I gotta say, it turned out pretty well. Things are starting to flow, plot threads are weaving, so many threads to keep track off. The best way to write a novel IMO is to start with the end, know where you’re going.

When do you think you will finish your novel?

If the writing continues to go well, as I believe it will, I should have a completed draft by May. I’ve written a synopsis (it’s great!), and I finally have a working title. Maybe, revisions, checking for continuity issues, but I think when I’m done it’ll be as close to a final as I can get. I’m revising as I go along because I can’t stand when a scene feels unfinished. Even though I have somewhat of an outline, the plot points have changed over time. It’s fun though seeing the world I’m building. It’s like I’m living in my own book. LOL. I’m writing the book I want to read. There will be an audience for it. At least, one person will read it hahaha. There’s always self-publishing.

Do you have a marketing plan?

Somewhat. I think about how to market my book to motivate me to keep on writing. I’ve been blogging, reviewing, and promoting trad, indie, and self-published romance since 2012. So, I have some contacts in the romance publishing industry. I’m on mailing lists, and authors have emailed me directly offering me advanced review copies to help promote their books. Maybe one or more of them will do the same for me.

Anything else you want to say to your followers?

Even if the writing is trash, there’s something in it, something in you, that prompted you to write it. Figure out what you were trying to say, what you needed to say, and then revise it. Frame in a way that’s consistent with your narrative voice and your characters’ motivations. Sometimes what you want for your characters aren’t what they want for themselves. Always circle back to the heart of the story. And even if you have bad days, if you’re feeling depressed, tired, alone, don’t get down on yourself. Don’t force yourself to write. I know it sucks, especially with Covid raging on; sometimes it feels more than ever that our days our numbered. But in the big picture, when your time has passed, you’re not gonna care if your books are on the NY Times bestseller list. I write because it’s a way to pass the time while I’m disabled, it’s been my dream since I can remember, and I think the harder I try, the more I practice, the better I’ll get at it. I’d be sad if I don’t finish this book, but I don’t see that happening. This book is getting done in probably 4 months at the earliest. I’m on a roll now. And I’m thinking, maybe, this is my year. The books is probably going to be controversial. But who cares. I love it. So, believe in yourself, don’t give up, and be kind. Because kindness is even harder to accomplish than writing a book.

Reflections on 2021?

The best thing I ever did in 2021 was quit playing World of Warcraft to write a romance novel. I want to be optimistic about my writing, but I’m kind of superstitious. I have anxiety, which can really fck with your head sometimes. And I’m afraid of being let down. I’ve had many rejections in the past. Things could be worse, but things can also get a lot better too. Most of all, I just want to stay healthy.